UA-171643620-1 Leeds Working

Leeds! Leeds! Leeds! What is happening?

Tell me what you do and how you feel about it.


Episode 11

Published on:

13th Jun, 2024

Episode 10

Published on:

6th Jun, 2024

Episode 9

Published on:

30th May, 2024

Episode 8

Published on:

23rd May, 2024

Episode 7

Published on:

2nd May, 2024

Show artwork for Working Hours

About the Podcast

Working Hours
The Story of Work in Leeds in the 2020s
What do you do?
Western Studios, Leeds presents Working Hours: a podcast series surveying the people of Leeds on their thoughts and feelings on the topic of work. I want to talk to my city about work. Why do we do it? Do we like it? What could we do differently? What will we? How does work change and how does it change us?
Leeds, the largest city in the largest county on the UK mainland, is a former imperial textile centre and is now a major UK financial centre. This series will document the city’s experiences through Lockdown, Brexit, creeping technological unemployment, new and continuing resource wars, the ongoing dismantling of the welfare state and our accelerating ecological emergency.
If you are in Leeds or from Leeds then help me to reach my target of interviewing 1000 Loiners over the 2020s. Let me ask you, what do you do?
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